can't see

I was a little concerned that I hadn't explained the most important part of what was going on in my head when creating the development plan in the previous article, "The process of making Yamanichi YA-MAN". I tried to explain a little more, so I left it as it is, but I will make a note of how it turned out like this.

It's not about what's happening, it's about what happened. Is it better for a while?

What I couldn't explain is this picture.

There is a "shu", but there,

It's the arrow in the blue diagram above.

Well, if it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

The place where you can "shut" differs from person to person, but in my case, it's this strange place.

But this can be a problem.
Somewhere in Shinjuku, the entrance door was covered with a mirror on the inside, and my mind became a maze, and I couldn't go outside for a while. I have contacted you.

I can't help it. It's rare to find someone with a well-arranged radar chart.

I mean, I think it's a miracle that it's all set up.

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