
trash man

Let's make a "trash man" out of cardboard

If you put a plastic bag in the trash can you bought at Daiso,

The plastic bag will come out of the trash can from your head.

That's not so cool

I thought it would be nice to put the entire trash in a basket or another box.

I remember seeing something decades ago.

So I tried it with a little cardboard box around the corner.

Yeah, no.

However, my 8-year-old said, "It's hard to understand that it's a trash can!"

Okay, I'll make it easy to understand, so stay tuned.

So it happened.

Like! I gave it a thumbs up and received a high evaluation.

Should I put my arms on the sides? If you say

They asked me to give them ice cream sticks and masks.

So it happened.

this is probably

I think it's 200% Akira Toriyama's influence from reading too much Arale-chan.

Because I can throw away the garbage with a pretty fun feeling

I want you to try it.

See you next time.

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